tore Information:
To Our Valued Customers
Here at the Bergman Luggage family of stores which includes: Mori Luggage, Innovation Luggage, Luggage & Leather, Portland Luggage, Sharon Luggage and Sterns Travel Shop.
Store Information and Hours:
Walnut Creek | Innovation Gateway To Travel
Walnut Creek, CA 925-476-5668 (M-S 11-6 Sun 12-6)
Hillsdale Mall | Innovation Luggage
San Mateo, CA 650-286-1954 (M-S 11-6 Sun 12-6)
Westport | Innovation Luggage
Westport, CT 203-255-2337 (M,Tu,Th,F,Sat 11-5, Closed Wed & Sun)
Southcenter Mall | Bergman Luggage
Seattle, WA 206-575-4090 (M-S 11-6 Sun 12-6)
Bellevue Downtown | Bergman Luggage
Bellevue, WA 425-454-8689 (M-Sun 10-5)
Richmond Ave Houston | Luggage & Leather
Houston, TX 713-552-9290 (M-S 10-6 Sun 11-5)
Champions Plaza | Luggage & Leather
Houston, TX 281-444-8552 (Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun-12-5)
Portland Downtown | Portland Luggage
Portland, OR 503-226-3255 (M-S 10-5, Sun 12-5)
Washington Square Mall | Portland Luggage
503-639-5066 (M-S 10-9 Sun 11-7)
Valley Fair Mall | Sterns Travel Shop
Santa Clara, CA 408-497-0325 (M-S 11-6 Sun 12-6) Suite 1071 - Between Sephora and Express Men.
Town Center at Cobb | Mori Luggage
Kennesaw, GA 678-797-1722 (M-Th 11-7, Fri-Sat 10-7 & Sunday 12-6)
Sharon Luggage
Charlotte, NC 704-366-7013 (M-Sat 10-6 & Sunday 12-5)